As a passionate sailor and outdoor enthusiast, it has always been very important to me to focus on the conservation of nature and natural resources. I always want to keep my own ecological footprint as small as possible.
What began as a small side project in 2003 has developed over the years into a company that today impresses customers all over the world with the effectiveness and sustainability of its products.
With Fibertec, I am pursuing the goal of producing the most innovative and environmentally friendly textile and leather care products in Germany. From day one, we at Fibertec have had a very close cooperation with our suppliers and access to particularly environmentally friendly and effective raw materials. We manufacture all our products, bottles, caps and labels in Germany - only two spray cans are filled in the Netherlands. We create jobs in Germany and, as an owner-managed company, we also pay our taxes here.
For maximum transparency, we have our production regularly inspected by blesign® technologies. As a bluesign® system partner, Fibertec complies with particularly strict environmental regulations in production and in the selection of ingredients used. Our sustainable packaging concept with plastic recycling and reduced use of packaging material sets standards. Fibertec has been supporting the great work of "Doctors Without Borders" with regular donations for many years. Fibertec products are therefore sustainable in many ways: they conserve resources, have less impact on the environment, allow you to use your equipment for longer and help people in need. We are delighted if you share our enthusiasm and passion for Fibertec products and wish you many more great adventures out in nature.
Your Guido Augustiniak
Founder and owner of Fibertec